7 steps to choosing the best ski job for you
You've decided you're going to do a ski season. You've done a quick google of ‘ski jobs valdisere' and have a page full of jobs to go at. Assuming you're super employable, how do you decide which is the right job for you? And sometimes more importantly, which is the right company for you? Surprisingly, they are all a bit different and you'll see more marked differences between a small, exclusive operator and the large mass market tour operators.
1 Motive – why are you doing a ski season?
First and foremost, you need to consider why you want to do a ski season. Is it to become a better skier or snowboarder? Perhaps it's to try something different, a new role, a new environment perhaps? Maybe you want to meet new people? Whatever it is – make sure you've worked that out as this is essential to shape your decision making and ensure you don't make a mistake you'll regret come February half term.
2 Personality matters
If you're a big personality, you were on all the sports teams, you stand out in a crowd, you'll have no trouble fitting into the big groups that you'll find with some of the larger operators like Crystal and Inghams. There'll be plenty of people to rub along with. If, however, you can hold your own but you like the security of a tight group, where you know everyone and everyone helps each other out, you might prefer a smaller outfit. At Chardon, we have 35 staff in total. We have teams that work together, group socials and incentives, a co-ordinated management structure and we have a dedicated Facebook page to help everyone network with each other in resort and after.
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3 CV – ‘Errr we were on a break'
If you haven't much employment to shout about yet, then your seasonaire job may be of value to your CV. Lots of your skills will be on test in a ski season so you'll have plenty to shout about! Your choice of company may well reflect one way or another on your CV too. Le Chardon is at the luxury end of the winter sports market and we believe that the calibre of our staff is a cut above.
4 Ski time – choose your job to suit you
Most seasonaires would like to ski or snowboard as much as possible and apart from transfer day, you can ski up to six days a week. Chalet hosts have a regular pattern and will more than likely have from 11am – 4pm every day plus one full day off. Drivers have a varied working day, so they may score the first lifts to enjoy any fresh powder and work the afternoon shift. Or they might have a whole day and cover the evening shift. On the flipside, if there's a transfer (we do private transfers), they may not get to ski all day. Managers schedules are more varied. So make sure you ask the right questions. Steer clear from a straight ‘how much ski time will I get?' which doesn't send the best message and go for ‘what is a typical working day like in this role?'
5 Show me the money
Let's be frank. No-one does a ski season to get rich. On paper – many of the salaries will look the same. Ours is a little above the industry average. But it's the extras you need to know about. Will breakfast, lunch and dinner be provided for you? Keeping yourself fed and watered can cost a pretty penny in a ski resort. At Le Chardon, we provide food for all our staff, and thanks to our amazing chefs, it's pretty special food too! Other questions you need to ask: Is the lift pass included? Will I have to pay to get there?
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6 Creature comforts – are there any?
When you're away from home and working hard to please guests week in, week out, you will appreciate a few creature comforts. As a small, family owned and run operation, we know that and do our best to help where we can. Working for Le Chardon you can expect:
- Breakfast, lunch and dinner – prepared by our team of superbly trained chefs
- Staff lifts – we'll pick you up from your accommodation at whatever time and get you to the chalets. No trudging through the snow at some ungodly hour!
- Free access to WiFi – we have a staff WiFi network in the chalets just for you
- Washing at work – we have washing machines in each chalet for your use too.
- An iron when you need one
- Francoise – your in resort granny! Francoise has been with Chardon for years and looks after the laundry and cleaning but she also can't help herself looking after everyone too, mending clothes, getting out tough stains and so on….
7 Staff incentives and jollies
Whether or not a company has staff incentives is a good indicator of how well managed a ski operation is and how much support you will get in your role. At Chardon we have a number of incentives:
- Free ski lessons – group skiing lessons throughout the season whenever our preferred supplier of ski tuition has space.
- Wow of the Month – this goes to the team that has ‘Wowed' their guests the most over that month. Customer service excellence is a given with Le Chardon. Winners have been for helicopter rides, skidooing and more.
- Team picnics on the piste – just a great opportunity to hang out and have some fun.
- Free Victors burger vouchers for the team that has delivered the best service according to the guest feedback forms.
- Mid season Race Day – it has become something of a tradition to hold a race day for all our seasonaires. A picnic and beers rounds up a fun day racing each other down the Bellevarde course!
- Annual bonus – speaks for itself!
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Well hopefully that's your list of questions prepared for interview. Good luck in the job hunt! If you'd like to find out more about working for Chardon, please visit our seasonaires recruitment section.